SELF aims to build a positive social change in the community through its knowledge sharing and facility providing to enhance overall living standards of the people to gain their true potential while making way for a society enriched with integrity, honesty, transparency and social responsibility
We teach school children how to live happy, well balanced and successful lives full of the things that are important in life; love, kindness and respect for elders. We encourage them to do what they came into to this life for, thereby helping them to manifest their mission in life.
We teach parents that making exam passing robots out of their children only creates unhappy, maladjusted adults unable to give or receive love and kindness. We teach them that children need love, kindness and understanding, give them that and they will blossom into successful Human people, who will fully recognize and do their duties by the family, society and the world.
We teach undergraduates that there is more to life than memorizing notes and passing exams, the importance of being a well-rounded personality with the right blend of all the intelligences in life, the cultivation of their true loving nature and the understanding of their minds and through that how to be happy and successful.
We teach the busy executives that happiness in life does not come from position, power, recognition and accumulation of material goods, that it is the cultivation of attributes of being truly Human; love, compassion, kindness both at the workplace and home that brings true happiness and success. That the Mind is the forerunner of all actions, understanding the workings of the mind gives them an opportunity to live Purposeful happy lives, contributing to the betterment of all beings. We create the thirst for healthy lifestyles and lifelong learning.
We teach rural farmers that to live poverty stricken, indebted and quarrelsome lives is not their heritage, they are the remnants of what was once the proudest of occupations, living a well-balanced life with the noblest of traditions that we call Human. We teach them to go back there, we teach them the technologies that will earn them a decent income year round and to get out of the clutches of unceasing indebtedness. We teach them the mindset required banish the torment within their families and communities, prevent alcohol and drug abuse so that they together with their families can lead happy, productive and sustainable lives.
The SME sector together with the farming community is the backbone of any successful, sustainable economy. We teach entrepreneurs in the SME sector how to improve their enterprises and become successful Social Entrepreneurs. Through JITI we study problems faced by entrepreneurs and make recommendations. We give them training where needed, we teach them how to lead a balanced, satisfying life and learn to use the profound power of innovation